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Optimise your Swiss pension fund assets by minimising taxes and maximising savings

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Independent Asset Advisory Services

investian is an independent financial advisory that specialises in the optimisation of the Swiss 3-pillar pension system for individuals.

My Services


Pension consultancy

Close the contribution gap!

If you are leaving Switzerland, you may also be entitled to a refund of your OASI contributions. 



Save up to 50% on taxes

Whether you are changing jobs or leaving Switzerland for good, I help you save significantly on taxes.

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Discover my comprehensive 6-step approach to investing in pillar 3a products and ETFs.

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Invest in ETFs and pillar 3a products
Ian Shirley, founder of investian

About Me

My name is Ian and I am the founder of investian. My mission is to help people achieve their financial goals. By regularly investing even small amounts in cost-efficient financial products such as ETFs, over time the magic of compound interest creates astonishing wealth.

As Einstein famously said "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it, he who doesn't pays it!" 

“Thanks to Ian, I feel prepared for the world of long-term investing and sustainable wealth creation. In accordance with my (moderate) previous knowledge, he put me in the picture in the best possible way and led me to my personal investment plan though a clean and seamlessly structured process. Thank you!”

Multimedia Producer

Florin Rüdisühli


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